Poruszający wiersz matki Alfiego: “Mamusiu, proszę, nie płacz, bo muszę iść spać…”

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/ Fot. change.org

Kate James, matka Alfiego Evansa, opublikowała po śmierci swojego syna poruszający wiersz na Facebooku.

Mummy please don’t cry now.
For I must go to sleep.
I’ll be beside you always.
To dry the tears you weep.
Daddy please be strong now.
It’s time for me to rest.
The three of us together dad.
We fought, we done our best.
You took my fight to everyone.
The courts, the queen, the pope.
While still caring for your baby.
You never give up hope.
And now the pain bears heavy.
As the time has come to part.
Though you no longer hold me in your arms.
I’ll live on in your heart.
For the good Lord he has called me.
To sit there by his side.
Watching over both of you.
With never ending pride.
A last message to my army.
Please hold your loved ones tight.
For no one’s time is promised.
Now I must say goodnight.


Przypomnijmy, iż dwuletni Alfie Evans zmarł w nocy z piątku na sobotę w szpitalu w Liverpoolu.


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